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​Payments for our £14.99 per week plan are automatically collected every week on the same date to the value of £14.99. Payments for our £49.99 per month plan are automatically collected every month on the same date to the value of £49.99. Payments for our £499.99 per year plan are automatically collected every year on the same date to the value of £499.99. It is your responsibility to cancel the recurring payment if you no longer wish to be a member of LordRacingTips group.
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If for any reason payment cannot be collected for a specific week, month or year you will be removed from the telegram channels/groups immediately.
By signing up to LordRacingTips, you agree to the current subscription fee. This may be modified from time to time and in the event that the amount you need to pay is increasing, you will be notified in advance and will need to cancel your current payment if you are not happy with the increase in fees.
In the event that you wish to cancel your membership, you must do so through the Sublaunch website.
Content / Tips
LordRacingTips makes no guarantee in terms of profit from the tips. Tips may not be posted every day due to other commitments, and you accept by signing up to LordRacingTips that there may be days where content may not be available from time to time.
By signing up to LordRacingTips, you agree to never share content posted into the group.
LordRacingTips will always commit to answering questions and requests that form part of the service in a timely manner, but due to differing time zones, this may not always be immediately.
LordRacingTips is not regulated or licensed by any official gambling body and has no commercial relationship with any bookmakers.
Responsible Gambling
At LordRacingTips we pride ourselves on being a responsible tipster. If we are led to believe or made aware that you have a gambling problem, we reserve the right to suspend your membership for your own protection. We will endeavour to do our best to put you in touch with services that can assist you, but part of that protection means that we may remove you from the service in order to protect you. No refunds will be issued in these instances except in rare circumstances.
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LordRacingTips is not responsible for any third party website content linking to or featuring content from LordRacingTips. Any links to third parties are for information only and as such should not be interpreted as approved by LordRacingTips.
Site Access

We reserve the right to modify, change, substitute or remove your membership without notice OR we will try to provide reasonable notice of any major changes.